Let's make Mushroom Ravioli Sandwhiches

Let's make Mushroom Ravioli Sandwhiches

Let's make Mushroom Ravioli Sandwhiches

Have you tried it with multi-grain bread? It's a scrumptious switch-up. We've chosen a delightful garlic mushroom mix this time around. But guess what? You're the artist here - go wild with pasta sauce leftovers, ham and cheese, or even a curried egg surprise! We're curious, what deliciously creative filling makes your kiddos' taste buds do a happy dance?

SERVES 10  |  30 MIN  |   LEVEL 2

Ingredients you'll need...

1 tbsp olive oil
2 cloves crushed garlic
1 cup diced mushroom
1 small spring onion, chopped
Salt & Pepper to taste
Bread slices
How to make Mushroom Ravioli Sandwiches...
  1. Heat olive oil in a fry pan. Add garlic and mushrooms. Pan fry until brown.
  2. Add chopped spring onion, salt & pepper to taste. Stir well.
  3. Take a slice of bread and press out a circle. Make a smaller press in the centre to hold the filling.
  4. Spoon the mushroom filling into the bread. Press firmly to seal.
  5. Repeat with remaining bread and filling.

And there you have it! Delicious veggie filled Mushroom Ravioli Sandwiches...

My kids' energy levels are either 'sloth' or 'espresso shot'. There's no in-between.

Note: We used the Avanti Ravioli Press which you can purchase from Amazon here: Avanti Ravioli Press


  • Love this! I use mince instead – my kid hates mushrooms but loves turkey mince 😋 🍗😂

    Jess on

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